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Looking to get involved?
Join our Parent Teacher Organization!

Hoover PTA is building a strong, inclusive and welcoming community for our students, families, teachers and staff! Our volunteer organization plans community events, supports critical academic needs, and raises money for special projects. PTA projects include our ice cream social, book fairs, yearbook, spirit store, staff appreciation efforts and social events in the fall and spring.

Here are some of the ways to get connected and support Hoover PTA:

Joining Hoover PTA adds your voice and support to our community of families and teachers as we advocate for all students. PTA membership doesn't mean you must volunteer, ever. Your membership alone makes an impact!

Reserve and paint the Celebration Rock
The Hoover celebration rock is a fun way to spread positive messages and share special occasions with our school. You can reserve and paint the celebration rock for any reason—birthdays, congratulations, good luck, appreciation and more.

PTO Meetings

PTO meetings are held in September, November, January, March and May in the Hoover Elementary multi-purpose room from 6:30 -8:00 PM.

Current Officers

Vice President: 