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Meet our Hawks!
We are the proud Hoover staff

1 2 > showing 1 - 40 of 76 constituents

JJ Alberhasky

Special Education Strategist
Hoover Elementary

Sarah Allen

ELL Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Meagan Ash

Music Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Hiradys Ayala

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Leah Beiermann

Title I Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Emilee Benedict

2nd Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Katherine Berry

ELL Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Hannah Born

Principal's Secretary
Hoover Elementary

Jenny Brenner

Teacher Librarian
Hoover Elementary

Jillian Canfield

4th Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Carolyn Ceynar

Elementary School Principal
Hoover Elementary

Todd Clements

Head Custodian Elementary
Hoover Elementary

Jack Colvin

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Peyton Congiusti

Behavior Interventionist
Hoover Elementary

Michelle Cox

Art Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Austin Davis

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Lonnie Dayton

Special Education Strategist
Hoover Elementary

Leslie DePrenger

PE Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Kara Diemer-Graham

ELL Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Clarissa Doscher

3rd Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Debra Downey

Special Education Strategist
Hoover Elementary

Christopher Eland

Special Education Strategist
Hoover Elementary

Ana Elliott

Elementary Counselor
Hoover Elementary

Joseph Ellis

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Lisa Feldmann

Kindergarten Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Kylee Fettkether

Student Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Elizabeth Fitzgerald

5th Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Abby Flanigan

Hoover Elementary

Anna Garcia

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Vickie Gardner-Howsare

2nd Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Myrissa Gingerich

1st Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Regina Girazian

Supervisory Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Stephanie Glass

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Ashley Gremore

1st Grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Jennifer Grove Toro

School Facilitator
Hoover Elementary

Andrea Gugliuzza

Title I Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Alison Hershberger

ELL Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Traivon Hodges

Special Education Paraeducator
Hoover Elementary

Lisa Holland

Preschool and ECSE Teacher
Hoover Elementary

Sarah Jepson

Kindergarten Teacher
Hoover Elementary
1 2 > showing 1 - 40 of 76 constituents